October brings us to the changing of the season. Our members and friends are returning to town getting ready to escape the cold of winter in the East. We prepare for the joy of returning friends and family and Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities of church gatherings. The blessings of cooler weather.
.First: A huge Thank you to all of you who participated in the Stewardship Campaign of 2022. Your gifts and pledges totaled $276.680 representing 101pledge responses. As of September, we have received about 70% of these pledges. Your continued commitment to your 2022 pledge is appreciated.
Looking back on spending this year, we had many big-ticket items like landscape needs, air conditioner replacement and water leaks. The parking lot renewal has been like a shinning star leading the way to our church building. So many Thank You’s to so many who have worked to create and maintain our facilities!
NOW; October also signals the beginning of the Stewardship Campaign 2023.
Our resource will be the book “ I Am A Church Member” by Thom S. Rainer.
In the weeks leading up to Consecration Sunday, November 20,2023, we will look at what is expected of those who join a body of believers and what we need be as a “church member”. Unifying, Praying, Leading, Giving
It is, again this year, my humble responsibility to lead you into your consideration of how you will share your gifts for Stewardship 2023.
Arlene Stewart, Elder
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